вторник, 1 июля 2008 г.

Nightout in Perm

Perm has different areas of interest.
For theatre loving people in Perm there are many theatres: theatre of Opera and Ballet name of Chaykovskiy, theatre for children, theatre “Balet Evgeniy Panfilov”, municipal theatre “U mosta”, academic theatre of drama, theatre of puppet, contract theatre “Bolshaya Stirka” and theatre “Ironichnaya kompaniya”.
Most famous places to visit in Perm are also zoo and Art Gallery.
For having night out there are a lot of night clubs for dancing, the most rated are “Veter”, “Panorama”, and Bionika”. Also there are lot of restaurants and bars: bear-bar “Gvozd’ ”, some thematic restaurants as “Kioito”, “Mandarin”, restaurants “Feska”, “Elba” etc.
If you are understands Russian you may visit cinema “Kinomaks” , “Oktyabr’ “, “Rubin” and other.
For parties with a lot of persons you may stay on tourist bases, which mostly are situated not far from city, and there is a rather fresh air and tranquility.

Fashion in Perm

When you come to Perm it may be useful to know what to wear. Of course Perm is Russian city and there will not be problems with clothes for all people that wear European style of clothes,
 but for not to differ from Perm citizens it is better not to wear very old clothes, I have see foreigners looked like some homeless persons(may be they thought that Russian people are rather poor, and tried to dress on as they thought Russian people looks like). Also it is safety not to wear some freak-like clothes, or you will be preferred target for “gopotnya”(Russian weak organized street bandits). But in time even gopotnya became more and more tolerated. Perm has continental climate, so we have cold winter and hot and dry summer. In winter you should wear fur, feather or mountain sport cloth. Fur boots and wool socks, wool or fur hat are also good in winter. For summer you can wear any European clothes.

In perm there are next shop types:
large shops calling “hypermarkets” that sell almost everything.

local shops.



For shopping food buy in small shops and markets, because they do not pay too much for marketplace, opposite hypermarkets.

And for shopping clothes you may visit hypermarkets or small clothes shop

понедельник, 9 июня 2008 г.

Nightout in Perm.

Perm has different areas of interest.
For theatre loving people in Perm there are many theatres: theatre of Opera and Ballet name of Chaykovskiy, theatre for children, theatre “Balet Evgeniy Panfilov”, municipal theatre “U mosta”, academic theatre of drama, theatre of puppet, contract theatre “Bolshaya Stirka” and theatre “Ironichnaya kompaniya”.
Most famous places to visit in Perm are also zoo and Art Gallery.
For having night out there are a lot of night clubs for dancing, the most rated are “Veter”, “Panorama”, and Bionika”. Also there are lot of restaurants and bars: bear-bar “Gvozd’ ”, some thematic restaurants as “Kioito”, “Mandarin”, restaurants “Feska”, “Elba” etc.
If you are understands Russian you may visit cinema “Kinomaks” , “Oktyabr’ “, “Rubin” and other.
For parties with a lot of persons you may stay on tourist bases, which mostly are situated not far from city, and there is a rather fresh air and tranquility.

воскресенье, 8 июня 2008 г.

What clothes to wear in Perm

When you come to Perm it may be useful to know what to wear. Of course Perm is Russian city and there will not be problems with clothes for all people that wear European style of clothes,
but for not to differ from Perm citizens it is better not to wear very old clothes, I have see foreigners looked like some homeless persons(may be they thought that Russian people are rather poor, and tried to dress on as they thought Russian people looks like). Also it is safety not to wear some freak-like clothes, or you will be preferred target for “gopotnya”(Russian weak organized street bandits). But in time even gopotnya became more and more tolerated. Perm has continental climate, so we have cold winter and hot and dry summer. In winter you should wear fur, feather or mountain sport cloth. Fur boots and wool socks, wool or fur hat are also good in winter. For summer you can wear any European clothes.

Accommodation in Perm

Hotel “Ural” is situated in the center of Perm on lenina 58 street. There is an airport 18 kilometers far from hotel “Ural”. Also there is train station within 3 kilometers far from it. Hotel “Ural” is a white-colored building and has 7 floors. This hotel is popular with government and businessmen. It has rooms from business-class for president-class. All rooms are modern and comfortable. There is TV, phone, mini-bar, air-conditioner, bath with hair-dryer in each room. “Ural” has safes, internet, children-play room, parking, air and train tickets-selling. Hotel has it’s bars, restaurant and cafe. In “lobbi”-bar you can have a breakfast and cup of coffee. For business-launch and some sort of party you can to go to restaurant “Stroganovskaya votchina”, that is situated on the ground floor of hotel. Also there are different audio and visual aids for conference or meeting, special rooms for just-married and special prices for regular clients. This hotel has special programs for tourists: a lot of different excursions, from 2 for 10 hours. There are tours to Kungur, Belaya Gora, Solykamsk, Usol’e, Osa, Il’inskoye, Hohlovka and other.

пятница, 25 января 2008 г.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance education.

There are different ways of education. One of them is a distance education. As every way of education it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of distance education are: The first and the most important is that you are free from serving in army. Second reason to go to study distance education is a lot of free time. This is good for guys because they can work and study at the same time. The second advantage is that you may study by internet. The third argument in favor of distance education is that it is easier to pass the entrance exams.

Disadvantages of distance education are: Distance education needs to much pay for study. Study program is difficulty then on correspondence education and even lot of free time can not help when you have 8-hours work per day. Third disadvantage is that different discipline consultations.

I really do not know was it a good idea to go to study distance education. But I pay money and already study for a half year. Also I get some work experience during that time. May be it was something like fate. But I think studying distance education needs a work with a lot of free time.

четверг, 24 января 2008 г.


"My favourite kind of sport"

The only sport I ever did for some time was a historical fencing. But even it I did for a short time.

There are different fencing sports. Most popular are classic fencing, Japanese ken-do and historical fencing.

Why it is important? Classic fencing trains your reaction and dexterity. It may be useful as all light athletic sport. Ken-do is useful for nerves , because it consists of many rituals and strong rules how to moving and attack. It also has special rules in combat like a hitting in only stomach head and arms. Of course it is useful for health. Historical fencing improve your endurance and also gives a lot of adrenaline. Historical fencing has many ways itself, but the ones that can be taking as sport are tournaments and buhurts. Buhurt is a massive team combat with a goal to stand on your feet or you loose. It requires most quality armor, because it is very traumatic and so very extreme. Tournaments need some lighter armor to be faster, but even a chip equipment will coast for a twenty thousands rubles as most kind of sport. That is one of the reasons why I only began to go to fence trainings and left it. Most great fighter for opinion of Perm clubs of historical fighting is hundred and twenty kilo weight Sergey Ukolov from Moscow club “Bayard”.

What I personally get from this spot is a broken finger.

My favorite national cuisine

My favorite national cuisine and the recepe of my favorite dish

My favorite cuisine is Russian. Russian cuisine is famous for it’s rich and varied character from the large multicultural expanse of Russia. Its foundations were laid by the peasant food adaptive, as usually, to harsh climate, with a combination of fish, bread, mushrooms, berries, and honey. Crops of rye, wheat, barley, and millet provided the ingredients for a lot of breads, pancakes, kvass, beer, and vodka. Flavorful soups and stews based on seasonal or storable produce, fish, and meat.

Most important reason for why I prefer Russian cuisine is that my stomach is used to my native cuisine. Russian cuisine is one of the most popular and widely spread in the world. French cuisine is festive and elegant, Chinese cuisine is exotic, Russian cuisine is healthy and delicious. Russian dishes are easy to cook and they do not demand much skill and special ingredients, they do not need exotic equipment and tool and everybody who knows how to hold a cooking knife and how to peel potatoes can cook delicious Russian dishes.

Most every restaurants and cafes in Perm serve it.

My favorite dish is blini. The recipe of my favorite dish: Take one liter of kefir, 2 medium spoons of sugar, one medium spoon of salt, a half of the small spoon of baking powder, half-liter of water, 3 standard glasses of flour, some butter or cooking oil. Then mix it with blender. Hit the frying-pan, add frying oil. Then fry until it became solid.


My native place.

My native place is Perm. The word “Perm” came to Russian language from language of Vepses, one of the Finnish nationalities, which lived on nowadays Perm territory long ago. The first of Russian people, which stepped on Perm land were Novgorod merchants. Russian merchants toke fur from aborigines. But soon, Moscow konungs made there people set on Perm land. Perm started christened in 1455.

There are also many places of interest in my native city. The most famous place in Perm is Perm Art Gallery, which has world-known collection of the wooden sculpture. Also it has one of the largest in Russia collection of Orthodox Christian icons and works of art of Repin, Levitan, Savrasov, Serov. Also there is a exhibition of different things, that can say a lot of Perm history, Perm nowadays situation and nature of Permskiy Kray.

Every city has it’s famous people, and Perm is not exception. They are:

Sviyazev Ivan (1797-1875) – architect in 1922-1834. Founder of Ural Architecture School and author of fist architecture textbooks;

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitriy (1852-1912) – famous Russian writer;

Bajov Pavel(1879-1950) – writer of famous Ural stories;

Dyagilev Sergey(1872-1929) – great Russian theatre figure, propagandist of Russian art at foreign and native lands;

Slavianov Nikolay – an inventor of electrical wedding;

Shvetzov Arkadiy (1892-1953) – great engineer and constructor .

Vereshyagin Peter(1834-1886) and Vereshyagin Vasiliy(1835-1909) – famous paint artists;

Nowadays Perm has million citizens. It is the center of heavy industry and has seven universities.